These guidelines are designed for our partners and affiliates who wish to co-market with Api3. Adherence to these guidelines is crucial for maintaining a unified and professional brand presence across various platforms.
Table of Contents
About Api3 Logos Text Templates
<aside> ✉️ Contact
For OEV integrations:
For general inquiries:
$\mathsf{\LARGE{\color{#ffffff}{\colorbox{#1F267B}{About Api3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}}}}$
Api3 is redefining blockchain oracles with a first-party approach—data comes directly from providers, eliminating middlemen, reducing costs, and increasing security by creating verifiability. With the OEV Network integrated into all data feeds, Api3 empowers dApps to not only power their smart contracts with multi-source and verifiable data but also to recapture oracle extractable value (OEV)—transforming core protocol infrastructure into a new revenue stream. Developers can permissionlessly access data feeds across all major EVM chains through the Api3 Market, a web3 data marketplace designed to make integration fast and simple. Api3 doesn’t just provide data—it’s performance infrastructure for DeFi, enabling protocols to secure their smart contracts with multi-source, verifiable data while aligning incentives that maximize value.
The Api3 logo is a simple yet elegant design that represents the core values of the project.
$\mathsf{\LARGE{\color{#ffffff}{\colorbox{#1F267B}{Text Templates~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}}}}$
Please submit your X drafts and other short-form content through Typefully for review by the Api3 team. For long-form content such as blogs, use Google Docs. You can expect feedback within 48 business hours.
Please note: Api3 will not engage with content that adopts a 'shilly' tone or promotes financial gains.
Example Thread:
To invite Api3 team members to X Spaces, YouTube Live sessions, or podcasts, please provide a two-week notice, an overview of the agenda, and a list of participants. These sessions should be topic-focused and last no longer than 60 minutes.
Here is the list of tools we use every day at Api3: